Cutting aluminium plates with a scissor.

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Because I have to cut plates of 2 m x 1 m in pieces to put in the press, I needed a big scissor. Two metal laths with each a sharply side makes a scissor.
First making a groof in the lath.

Then making a sharply side on it.

The lenght of the scissor is 110 cm so I had to clamp the lath 3 times under the machine.

The upper lath must be bend to cut the complete lenght of the plates. I tryed this 2 times by meself with an oil jack in a door opening. Two times the lath flew very hard away against my shoulder, so I stoped this bend operation! Werner took that lath to a friend who had a bending machine. Scissor kost 38 €.

The scissor in operation.

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